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Train Working

NTR 416 Disabled rail traffic

This document describes the requirements for dealing with disabled rail traffic.

Version 3.1, 30 September 2018


This document describes the requirements for dealing with disabled rail traffic.

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To prescribe the rules for managing disabled rail traffic in the Network.

Disabled rail traffic

The Train Crew or Track Vehicle Crew of disabled rail traffic must:

Removing disabled rail traffic

The Signaller must get details of the disablement from the Train Crew or Track Vehicle Crew.

If it is necessary to assist disabled rail traffic with other rail traffic, or motive power unit, a Signaller must tell the Train Crew or Track Vehicle Crew:

  • of the assisting rail traffic or motive power unit, about the Condition Affecting the Network (CAN)
  • of the disabled rail traffic, about the details of assistance to be provided.

The Network Controller must determine the method of removing the disabled rail traffic.

If the normal Proceed Authority permitted by the existing system of Safeworking is not available, and the working cannot be covered by NSG 608 Passing signals at STOP, rail traffic movement must be authorised under a method of special working.


To assist disabled rail traffic only, a Network Controller may authorise rail traffic to enter a block occupied by other rail traffic.

Arranging removal

The Signaller must be assured by the Train Crew or Track Vehicle Crew that the disabled rail traffic:

  • if necessary, has been protected
  • will not be moved.

Assisting rail traffic

Disabled rail traffic must be assisted in accordance with the requirements specified in the Train Operating Conditions (TOC) manual.

Emergency couplers

Emergency couplers must be used only in accordance with the requirements specified in the TOC manual.

Propelling rail traffic

Rail traffic must be propelled in the Network only in accordance with the requirements:

Dividing and removing rail traffic

If it is necessary to divide rail traffic into portions for removal, the Network Controller must:

  • decide what kind and direction of assistance is needed to clear the portions from the section
  • tell affected Signallers about the arrangements.

Removed portion

Before a portion is removed, the Train Crew or Track Vehicle Crew must complete airbrake holding and continuity tests on the portion to be removed, in accordance with the requirements specified in the TOC manual.

If the removed portion of rail traffic will travel into the next section, the Train Crew or Track Vehicle Crew must make sure that:

  • there are working tail lights or an end-of-train marker on the rearmost vehicle before the removed portion enters the next section, or
  • the rail traffic will be block worked into the next section.

Remaining portion

The portion of rail traffic to remain must be:

  • secured and protected
  • during darkness or in conditions of low visibility, fitted with a white light on the leading vehicle.

Accidental division

A Driver who is told or becomes aware that rail traffic has accidentally divided must:

  • stop the rail traffic
  • tell the Signaller about the division and, if possible, the location of the detached vehicles.

Before stopping the forward portion of divided rail traffic, Drivers or Track Vehicle Operators must consider the risk of being struck by the detached vehicles.

The Signaller must:

  • arrange to locate the detached vehicles
  • act in accordance with NGE 206 Reporting and responding to a Condition Affecting the Network (CAN).

If possible, Qualified Workers who find detached vehicles must:

  • secure them, and arrange for their protection
  • tell the Signaller.

The Network Controller must determine whether the Proceed Authority for the movement back to the detached vehicles:

  • is available under the existing system of Safeworking, or
  • must be authorised under a method of special working.

The Driver or Track Vehicle Operator must not propel the forward portion of divided rail traffic back to the location of the detached vehicles unless: