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Train Working

NTR 424 Propelling rail traffic

This document describes the requirements for making safe propelling movements.

Version 5.1, 30 September 2018


This document describes the requirements for making safe propelling movements.

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To prescribe the rules for making safe propelling movements in the Network.


Propelling is control of movement from other than the leading end in the direction of travel.

Propelling movements must:

  • be directed from the leading end by a Qualified Worker
  • be controlled by a Driver or Track Vehicle Operator
  • comply with the vehicle structure, weight and drawgear conditions specified in the Train Operating Conditions (TOC) manual.

The Qualified Worker directing propelling must safely:

  • walk beside the leading vehicle, or
  • ride in or on the leading vehicle in a position designated as safe by the operator.

Rail traffic must be propelled only:

  • if it is not practicable to haul it
  • as far as the authority to propel allows.

Throughout propelling movements:

  • the route between the limits of authority to propel must be set safely, correctly and completely
  • signals, if available, must be used to give Proceed Authorities.



Qualified Workers need effective communication, agreement and understanding throughout propelling movements.

Drivers and Track Vehicle Operators, and Qualified Workers directing propelling, must maintain effective communication at agreed intervals.

If communication between a Driver or Track Vehicle Operator and the Qualified Worker directing propelling is interrupted, the Driver or Track Vehicle Operator must stop the train or track vehicle immediately.

Propelling over level crossings

A propelling movement must stop before and clear of a level crossing unless:

  • the crossing is protected
  • there is no road or pedestrian traffic on or near the crossing.

A movement over the crossing must:

  • be directed by a Qualified Worker
  • not proceed before it is safe to do so
  • not exceed 10km/h before the leading vehicle has cleared the crossing.

Right running-direction movements

In a section

If the movement is authorised by the Network Controller, rail traffic may be propelled in a section.

Within yard limits

Within yard limits, rail traffic must be propelled only if the Driver has:

  • spoken authority from the Signaller
  • the correct authority to start the movement.

In shunting yards

In a shunting yard, authority to propel is contained in the authority to shunt.

Wrong running-direction movements

In a section

Other than in response to a partial overrun of a platform, rail traffic may be propelled in the wrong running-direction in a section, only if the movement:

  • does not conflict with another movement
  • is authorised by the Network Controller in a Special Proceed Authority (SPA), or
  • is allowed in the Network Local Appendices.

Within yard limits

Unless it is prohibited at the location, the Signaller may authorise rail traffic to be propelled in the wrong running‑direction.

Complete overrun of passenger platform

Unless authorised by the Network Controller in a SPA, a train that has completely overrun a passenger platform in a section must not be set back.

A train that has completely overrun a passenger platform within yard limits must not set back without the Signaller’s authority.

Partial overrun of passenger platform

A train that has partially overrun a passenger platform may be set back:

  • if within yard limits, only with the Signaller’s authority, or
  • if outside yard limits, only if the movement is not prohibited at the location, and the rearmost vehicle has not passed the departure end of the platform.

The rearmost vehicle of a train must not be set back beyond the arrival end of the platform.