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NPR 750 Protecting activities associated with in service rail traffic

This document describes the procedure for protecting in-service rail traffic inspections and repairs.

Version 3.1, 4 December 2022


This document describes the procedure for protecting in-service rail traffic inspections and repairs.

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Activities associated with in-service rail traffic may be carried out:

  • in a location where rail traffic can be excluded from the affected portions of track, or
  • in an existing safe place, or
  • in a safe place created using stationary rail traffic.

FIGURE 1: Example of rail traffic excluded from an affected portion of track.

FIGURE 2: Example of an existing safe place.

FIGURE 3: Example of a safe place created by stationary rail traffic.

Requesting protection

Qualified Worker
  1. Tell the Signaller:
    1. your name
    2. your Safeworking designation
    3. the train number or track vehicle number
    4. the type of activity.
  2. Identify the line on which protection is required and nominate the activity location as being:
    1. between any two stations, or
    2. completely within a nominated dead-end siding, or
    3. completely within the limits of a platform, including the station name and platform number.

Lines that need to be accessed must be protected when conducting activities associated with in-service rail traffic.

  1. Ask the Signaller to protect all points of entry into the affected portion of track.
  1. Confirm the protection request including:
    1. the Qualified Worker’s name
    2. the train number or track vehicle number
    3. the type of activity
    4. the line on which protection is required
    5. the nominated activity location.
  2. Use the reference points provided by the Qualified Worker to identify the activity location.
  3. Identify if the activity requires more than one Signaller to exclude rail traffic. If the proposed activity affects more than one Signaller, the Signallers must nominate an authorising Signaller.
Signaller/Authorising Signaller
  1. Make sure that:
    1. blocking facilities have been applied to exclude rail traffic
    2. the last rail traffic to enter the affected portion of track is identified and its location is known
    3. there is no rail traffic approaching the activity location.
Authorising Signaller
  1. Tell the Qualified Worker:
    1. that blocking facilities have been applied
    2. that the affected portion of track is protected
    3. the identification number of the last rail traffic to enter the affected portion of track and its last known location
    4. that there is no rail traffic approaching the activity location.
Qualified Worker
  1. Confirm with the Signaller:
    1. that all points of entry into the affected portion of track are correctly protected
    2. the identification number of the last rail traffic to enter the affected portion of track and its last known location
    3. that there is no rail traffic approaching the activity location.
    4. Authorising protection
  1. After the Qualified Worker has confirmed the assurances:
    1. authorise the protection
    2. issue the protection number.
Qualified Worker
  1. Before entering the Danger Zone make sure that:
    1. the protection is authorised
    2. the protection number has been issued.

Conducting in-service inspections and repairs

Driver, Track Vehicle Operator or Train Technician

1.   Before carrying out an in-service inspection or repair make sure that a safe place exists, or protection has been authorised.


Unless the worker conducting the inspection or repair requests a roll by inspection, rail traffic that is being inspected or repaired must not be moved until the activity is completed.

Train Technician
  1. If practicable:
    1. apply the parking brake
    2. open the brake pipe emergency tap
    3. place a red Train Technician safety sleeve (TT safety sleeve) over the brake pipe emergency tap.

If required, Qualified Workers must work as directed by the Train Technician.

Train Technician
  1. When work has been completed, tell the Driver or Track Vehicle Operator that work is complete, and if required:
    1. remove the TT safety sleeve
    2. close the brake pipe emergency tap
    3. release the parking brake.

Removing protection

Qualified Worker
  1. Tell the Signaller:
    1. the activity location
    2. the train number or track vehicle number
    3. the protection number
    4. that workers and equipment are clear of the Danger Zone.
  1. Before removing protection, confirm with the Driver, Track Vehicle Operator or Train Technician:
    1. the train number or track vehicle number
    2. the activity location
    3. the protection number
    4. that workers and equipment are clear of the Danger Zone.

Keeping Records

Signallers and Qualified Workers must record the protection details in permanent form.