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NSG 604 Indicators and Signs

Speed signs

16 June 2023


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Speed signs

Drivers and Track Vehicle Operators must make sure that the front of a train or track vehicle passes a speed sign at or below the speed given by the sign.

If speed signs allow an increase in speed, Drivers and Track Vehicle Operators must not increase speed until the rear of the train or track vehicle has passed the speed sign.

If there is no advertised speed or speed sign, rail traffic must not travel faster than 25km/h.

Permanent track speed signs

Permanent track speed signs:

  • are fixed next to the line at locations nominated in the Train Operating Conditions (TOC) manual, and
  • show the maximum speed for the portion of track.

Figure 45: Examples of track speed signs.

Sign type - NORMAL

Applies to:

  • All Trains (unless a higher speed is indicated by a MULTIPLE UNIT or XPT speed sign)
  • All track maintenance vehicles


Applies to:

  • K, T, V and Y sets
  • A, B, D, H and M sets, Endeavour, Hunter, Xplorer and XPT (unless a higher speed is indicated by an XPT speed sign)

Sign type - XPT

Applies to:

  • A, B, D, H and M sets (maximum speed specified in the TOC manual must not be exceeded)
  • Endeavour, Hunter and Xplorer (maximum speed specified in the TOC manual must not be exceeded)
  • XPT

Single yellow background speed signs apply to all rail traffic.

A white background speed sign without the MU designation, by itself, or under a yellow background speed sign applies only to:

  • A, B, D, H and M sets, and
  • Endeavour, Hunter and Xplorer, and
  • XPT.

Figure 46: Examples of track speed signs.

Sign type -  GENERAL

Applies to:

  • Locomotive hauled passenger and freight trains (up to 1500 metres long)
  • All track maintenance vehicles
  • Rail Motors and 620 class diesel trains

Sign type -  MEDIUM

Applies to:

  • K, T, V and Y sets

Sign type -  HIGH

Applies to:

  • A, B, D, H and M sets (maximum speed specified in the TOC manual must not be exceeded)
  • Endeavour, Hunter and Xplorer (maximum speed specified in the TOC manual must not be exceeded
  • XPT

Turnout speed signs

Turnout speed signs have black text on a yellow background. The letter “X” before the numbers on a permanent speed sign shows the maximum speed for the turnout.

If there is no speed sign at a turnout, rail traffic must not travel faster than 25km/h through the turnout.

Drivers and Track Vehicle Operators must maintain the correct speed until the last vehicle clears the turnout.

FIGURE 47: Examples of turnout speed signs.


Applies to:

  • All Trains (unless a higher speed is indicated by a multiple unit or XPT turnout speed sign)
  • All track maintenance vehicles


Applies to:

  • K, T, V and Y sets
  • A, B, D, H and M sets, Endeavour, Hunter, Xplorer and XPT (unless a higher speed is indicated by an XPT turnout speed sign)

Sign type -  XPT TURNOUT

Applies to:

  • A, B, D, H and M sets (maximum speed specified in the TOC manual must not be exceeded)
  • Endeavour, Hunter and Xplorer (maximum speed specified in the TOC manual must not be exceeded)
  • XPT

Advisory speed signs

Advisory speed signs are provided where there is not enough signal sighting distance to allow rail traffic to stop if required at the second signal ahead.

FIGURE 48: Advisory speed sign.


Applies to:

  • Freight and Passenger services (excepting XPT, Xplorer, Endeavour, Hunter and electric trains)

Drivers must reduce train speed so that the train is travelling at the indicated speed before the front of the train reaches the first signal ahead.

If the first signal ahead shows a CLEAR indication, normal speed may be resumed.

Intermediate train stop advisory speed signs

These signs may be placed before an intermediate train stop. If the signal beyond this sign indicates STOP, train speed must be at or below the indicated speed before the front of the train passes the sign.

FIGURE 49: Example of intermediate train stop advisory speed sign.

Freight train speed signs

Freight train speed signs:

  • indicate a maximum speed of 80km/h for freight trains travelling inside the area as shown in the Train Operating Conditions (TOC) manual, and
  • have yellow text on a blue background.

FIGURE 50: Freight train speed signs.

Temporary speed restrictions

Temporary speed restrictions may be imposed, altered, or withdrawn only by appropriate Maintenance Representatives.

Temporary speed restrictions are imposed by using temporary speed signs that are a combination of:

  • WARNING signs
  • CAUTION signs
  • CLEARANCE signs

Temporary speed signs take precedence over permanent speed signs and must be placed on all lines that give access to the affected portion of track.

Signallers must warn Drivers or Track Vehicle Operators entering an affected portion of track about speed restrictions until:

  • the Maintenance Representative says they can travel at normal speed, or
  • temporary speed signs have been installed, or
  • affected portions of track are protected by Handsignallers.

If temporary speed restrictions are continued, the Maintenance Representative must advertise the restrictions in a Speed Restriction Notice.

Flashing lights

Flashing lights must be fitted to the top of temporary speed signs:

  • blue for a WARNING sign
  • amber/orange for a CAUTION sign
  • white for a CLEARANCE sign.

Speed plates

Speed plates are fitted to the bottom of a WARNING sign and to the top of a CAUTION sign to indicate what speed restrictions apply.

Speed plates:

  • have black text on a white background, or
  • have black text on a yellow background.

A single yellow background speed plate applies to all rail traffic.

A white background speed plate, by itself or under a yellow background speed plate, applies only to passenger trains.

FIGURE 51: Example of speed plates.

FIGURE 52: Example of time restriction sign (C speed plate).

FIGURE 53: Example of distance to caution plate.

FIGURE 54: Example of directional arrow plate.

FIGURE 55: Example of track indicator plate.

Single speed restriction

If there is a single speed restriction, temporary speed signs must be placed as follows:

WARNING2500m before the affected portion track

Temporary speed restriction ahead.

The bottom of the sign shows the limit that applies in the affected portion.

INTERMEDIATE WARNINGOn an adjacent line with a track speed of 40km/h or less if a warning sign cannot be placed at 2500m before the affected portion of track

Temporary speed restriction ahead.

The bottom of the sign shows the limit that applies in the affected portion and the distance to the CAUTION plate.

Beyond the departure end of a platform to allow the Driver to see the sign while stopped at the last platform before the affected portion of track
CAUTION50m before the affected portion track

Temporary speed restriction.

The top of the sign shows the limit that applies in the affected portion.

CLEARANCE50m beyond the affected portion of track

Temporary speed restriction no longer applies.

Normal speed may be resumed.

Multiple speed restrictions

If there are multiple speed restrictions within 2500m of each other, temporary speed signs must be placed as follows:

WARNING2500m before the first affected portion of track

Temporary speed restrictions ahead.

The bottom of the sign shows the limit that applies in the first affected portion.

INTERMEDIATE WARNINGOn an adjacent line with a track speed of 40km/h or less if a warning sign cannot be placed at 2500m before the affected portion of track

Temporary speed restriction ahead.

The bottom of the sign shows the limit that applies in the affected portion and the distance to the CAUTION sign.

Beyond the departure end of a platform to allow the Driver to see the sign while stopped at the last platform before the affected portion of track
CAUTION50m before each affected portion of track, and 50m beyond each affected portion, except the last

Temporary speed restrictions.

The top of each sign shows the limit that applies from the current CAUTION sign to the next.

If required, the bottom of each sign shows the limit that applies between the next CAUTION sign and the CAUTION sign after that.

CLEARANCE50m beyond the last affected portion of track

Temporary speed restrictions no longer apply.

Normal speed may be resumed.

FIGURE 56: Examples of temporary speed signs.

For further information please contact the Network Rules Unit on
For further information please contact the Network Rules Unit on
C Speed restriction WARNING sign
For further information please contact the Network Rules Unit on
Intermediate WARNING sign
For further information please contact the Network Rules Unit on
For further information please contact the Network Rules Unit on
For further information please contact the Network Rules Unit on
C Speed restriction CAUTION sign
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