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Train Working

NTR 414 Defective vehicles

This document describes the requirements for dealing with defective vehicles.

Version 3.1, 30 September 2018


This document describes the requirements for dealing with defective vehicles.

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To prescribe the requirements for dealing with defective vehicles in the Network.

Responding to vehicle defects

If defective vehicles are observed by or reported to the Train Crew they must:

If inspection confirms that there is a defect, the Train Crew must tell the Signaller:

  • about the nature of the defect
  • whether the defect can be remedied on site.

If defective vehicles are able to travel, the Train Crew must tell the Signaller about operating restrictions that apply.

Moving defective vehicles

If the Train Crew considers that a defective vehicle cannot travel, the defective vehicle:

  • must be certified by an Operator’s Representative as safe to travel, before the vehicles may be moved
  • may be moved only in accordance with the requirements specified in the Train Operating Conditions (TOC) manual.

The Operator’s Representative must tell the Network Controller about operating restrictions that have been placed on the vehicle.

Red cards

If the Operator’s Representative does not certify defective vehicles as safe to travel, the vehicles must be labelled with a NOT TO GO card (‘red card’) on each side.

Vehicles with red cards must not travel in the Network. Vehicles with red cards stabled in the Network must be promptly:

  • repaired, and certified as safe to travel, or
  • removed from the Network.

Detaching vehicles

Before a defective vehicle is detached from a train at a location short of its destination, the Train Crew must tell the Signaller about:

  • the nature of the defect
  • the vehicle identification number
  • dangerous goods contained in the vehicle.

If defective vehicles are detached from a train, the Train Crew must:

  • arrange for the consist form to be amended or re‑issued
  • perform brake holding tests, as necessary
  • perform continuity tests in accordance with the requirements specified in the TOC manual.

If it is necessary to deal with a defective vehicle by dividing a train, the Train Crew must act in accordance with NTR 416 Disabled rail traffic.

Assisting track vehicles

Defective track vehicles may be assisted in accordance with the requirements specified in the TOC manual.

Assisting with an automatic coupling device

If an assisted track vehicle is fitted with an automatic coupling device, it may be either hauled or propelled.


Unless the coupling device is approved for a higher speed, the maximum speed for hauled track vehicles is 15km/h.


The maximum speed for propelled track vehicles is 10km/h.

Assisting with an approved towing device

Defective track vehicles may be towed with an approved towing device by another track vehicle if the:

  • gross weight of the towed track vehicles is less than the weight of the towing vehicle
  • towed track vehicles have working airbrakes and main reservoir air supply
  • towed track vehicles have working emergency parking brakes
  • track vehicles are crewed by Qualified Workers.

If these conditions are met, the towing speed must not exceed:

  • the allowable maximum of the lower-rated vehicle, if the brakes of the towed track vehicles are operable from the towing vehicle, or
  • half the allowable maximum of the lower‑rated vehicle, if the brakes of the towed track vehicles are not operable from the towing vehicle.

If the specified conditions cannot be met, the maximum speed for towed track vehicles is 15km/h.