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NSG 612 Overrun of limit of authority

This document describes the requirements for dealing with an overrun of limit of authority.

Version 4.1, 30 September 2018


This document describes the requirements for dealing with an overrun of limit of authority.

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To prescribe the rules for dealing with an overrun of limit of authority in the Network.


A movement overruns its limit of authority if, without authority, it:

  • passes a signal at STOP, or
  • passes a sign that shows a limit of authority, or
  • exceeds the limit of a Special Proceed Authority (SPA), or
  • enters a block without the correct authority.

Responding to overrun of limit of authority

Drivers or Track Vehicle Operators who find they have overrun a limit of authority must immediately:

  • stop their rail traffic
  • tell the Signaller.

The Signaller must:

  • stop rail traffic that has overrun its limit of authority and not stopped
  • stop and prevent other movements that are at risk
  • tell affected Drivers or Track Vehicle Operators to wait for further instructions
  • if a starting or home/starting signal has been passed, tell affected Signallers
  • tell the Network Controller.

The Network Controller must arrange to:

  • determine the method of working to be used to move the rail traffic
  • assess if the Driver or Track Vehicle Operator is fit to continue the journey
  • tell the affected Operator’s Representative
  • issue a Network Incident Notice (NIN).

If the movement that has overrun the limit of authority is to continue, the movement must be authorised by the Signaller.