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Signals and Signs

NSG 602 Shunting signals

This document describes the types of shunting signals.

Version 5.0, 29 April 2017


This document describes the types of shunting signals.

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To describe the types of shunting signals used in the Network.


Shunting signals are:

  • controlled signals, operated by Signallers or other Qualified Workers, and
  • used to authorise shunting movements.

Shunting signals must be passed only in accordance with NSG 606 Responding to signals and signs.

The Figures in this Rule show examples of the shunting signals used in the Network.

Route signalling

Colour light shunting signals

If a colour light shunting signal controls movements over more than one route, a route indicator is usually provided.

Route indicators are described in NSG 604 Indicators and signs.

Semaphore shunting signals

The front of a semaphore shunting signal arm is red, usually with a longitudinal (along its length) white stripe. The back of the arm is white, with a longitudinal black stripe.

Multiple semaphore shunting signals are usually mounted one above the other on the same post.

The highest signal on a signal post is for the leftmost route. The next signal down is for the route immediately to the right of the first route, and so on.

FIGURE 1: Multiple semaphore signals set for a movement from the Down Line to the Up Line.

Subsidiary signals

If placed below running signals, small colour light or small semaphore signals are subsidiary signals.

If the subsidiary shunting signal displays PROCEED, the running signal displays STOP.

General purpose shunting signals

General purpose shunting signals are placed:

  • beside running lines
  • within shunting yards.

Shunting signals may be subsidiary signals and, when attached to home signals, may be referred to as calling on signals.

FIGURE 2: Examples of colour light shunting signals displaying PROCEED.

FIGURE 3: Examples of colour light shunting signals displaying STOP.

FIGURE 4: Examples of semaphore shunting signals displaying PROCEED.

FIGURE 5: Examples of semaphore shunting signals displaying STOP.

Intermediate shunting signals

Intermediate shunting signals are placed between two running signals, facing in the same direction as the running signals.

When the first running signal displays a PROCEED indication, the intermediate shunting signal displays PROCEED for the running movement.

An intermediate shunting signal may be used to authorise a shunting movement.

FIGURE 6: Examples of intermediate shunting signals.

Shunt repeater signals

A SHUNT REPEATER sign designates a shunt repeater signal.

Shunt repeater signals:

  • are placed as subsidiary signals below controlled running signals, and
  • show that the shunting signal below the next running signal displays a PROCEED indication.

FIGURE 7: At left, the shunt repeater signal shows that the next shunting signal displays PROCEED. At right, a shunt repeater sign.

Calling on signals

Calling on signals:

  • are fitted as subsidiary signals to home signals
  • authorise a movement past the running signal
  • indicate that the points in the route are locked, but do not indicate that the line ahead is clear.

FIGURE 8: Stencil light calling on signal.

FIGURE 9: Examples of colour light calling on signals displaying PROCEED. These signals may be referred to as shunting signals.

Shunt ahead signals

Shunt ahead signals:

  • are fitted as subsidiary signals to starting signals or home/starting signals
  • authorise a shunting movement past that signal.

Shunt ahead signals must not be used as an authority to proceed through a section.

FIGURE 10: Examples of shunt ahead signals displaying PROCEED.

Dead end signals

Dead end signals:

  • are fitted as a subsidiary signal to home or home/starting signals only
  • are on brackets placed on the same side as the route for the authorised movement, usually a dead end siding
  • authorise a shunting movement from the running line to a dead end siding
  • may be used for movement from a running line to a yard or loop.

FIGURE 11: Examples of dead end signals displaying PROCEED.

Wrong road signals

Wrong road signals authorise shunting movements to the limit of authority in the wrong running-direction.

FIGURE 12: Examples of wrong road signals displaying PROCEED.