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NPR 745 Using non-interlocked points

This document describes the procedure for using non-interlocked points.

Version 3.0, 29 April 2017


This document describes the procedure for using non-interlocked points.

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Non-interlocked points are common in yards and sidings.

They are used:

  • to divert rail traffic from one line to another, or
  • as a derail device.

There is no facing point locking. Because the points have no locking mechanism, they can be moved as needed.


Non-interlocked points must be inspected before a facing movement to make sure that the switch blade is tight against the stock rail. If the blade is not tight against the stock rail, the points must be secured.


Points must not be operated while rail traffic is moving over or standing on the points.

Point levers

The following levers are used to set non-interlocked points for facing movements. Non-interlocked points do not need manual operation for trailing movements.


Spring switch

Can be moved to either position. If rail traffic moves the points by trailing through them, the points remain in the position used by that traffic


Can be moved to either position. If rail traffic moves the points by trailing through them, the points return to the prior position


Is weighted for the NORMAL position, but must be held in the REVERSE position. If rail traffic moves the points by passing through them in the trailing direction, the points return to the NORMAL position


If rail traffic trails through spring switch points, move the point lever to reset the spring tension for facing movements.

Operating points with spring switch levers or throw-over levers

Qualified Worker
  1. Use the point lever to set the route.
  2. Check that the points have operated correctly.
  3. If necessary, clip and lock the points.
  4. Stand clear of the points and the lever.
  5. Signal the Driver or Track Vehicle Operator to proceed.

Operating points with ball levers

Qualified Worker
  1. Face the rail traffic.
  2. Push the point lever down. Hold it firmly in the REVERSE position.
  3. Check that the points have operated correctly.
  4. Signal the Driver or Track Vehicle Operator to proceed.
  5. Continue to hold the lever down.

Take care to avoid being struck by passing rail traffic.

  1. When the last vehicle has cleared the points, move the point lever back to the NORMAL position.