This document describes the procedure for spoken and written communication.
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Effective written, radio and telephone communication is essential for safety in the Network.
Spoken numbers
Qualified Worker
- Use the spoken numbers in the following table.
- Stress the syllables in capital letters.
- For a decimal point, say “point”.
For digit | Say | For digit | Say |
0 | ZEE-roh | 5 | FI-yiv |
1 | WUN | 6 | SIX |
2 | TOO | 7 | SEV-en |
3 | thuh-REE | 8 | ATE |
4 | FO-wer | 9 | NINE-uh |
Phonetic alphabet (spoken letter names)
Qualified Worker
- If it is necessary to spell words, use the spoken letter names in the following table.
- Stress the syllables in capital letters.
For | Letter name | Say | For | Letter name | Say |
A | ALPHA | AL-fah | N | NOVEMBER | no-VEM-ber |
B | BRAVO | BRAH-voh | O | OSCAR | OSS-cah |
C | CHARLIE | CHAR-lee | P | PAPA | pah-PAH |
D | DELTA | DELL-tah | Q | QUEBEC | keh-BECK |
E | ECHO | ECK-oh | R | ROMEO | ROW-me-oh |
F | FOXTROT | FOKS-trot | S | SIERRA | see-AIR-rah |
G | GOLF | GOLF | T | TANGO | TANG-go |
H | HOTEL | hoh-TEL | U | UNIFORM | YOU-nee-form |
I | INDIA | IN-dee-ah | V | VICTOR | VIC-tah |
J | JULIET | JEW-lee-ETT | W | WHISKY | WISS-key |
K | KILO | KEY-loh | X | X-RAY | ECKS-ray |
L | LIMA | LEE-mah | Y | YANKEE | YANG-key |
M | MIKE | MIKE | Z | ZULU | ZOO-loo |
Standard terms
Use only these standard terms to convey these meanings:
Term | Meaning |
Emergency, emergency, emergency | This is an emergency |
Correct | Yes. You are right |
I read back | I am going to repeat all, or part, of your statement exactly as I received it |
I say again | I am going to repeat all, or part, of my last statement |
I spell | I am going to use the phonetic alphabet |
Loud and clear | Your signal is strong, and every word is understood |
Message received | I clearly received and understand your message |
Negative | No. Not correct |
Out | My transmission is complete |
Over | I have finished speaking, and I am waiting for a reply |
Read back | Repeat all, or a specified part, of my message back to me exactly as you received it |
Receiving | I acknowledge your call. Proceed with the message |
Roger | All your last statement is received and understood |
Say again | Please repeat your last statement |
Speak slower | Repeat what you said, speaking more slowly. It is hard to understand you |
Stand by | Wait. I will be back soon |
Open-channel communications
Qualified Worker
- Except in an emergency, make sure that no‑one else is speaking before you begin to use an open‑channel radio.
- Start your message with the Safeworking designation, location, and/or train number or track vehicle number, as appropriate, of the person you are calling.
Say: “(Receiver) this is (Sender), over”.
Identify yourself by Safeworking designation, location, and/or train or track vehicle number as appropriate.
- Start your reply with the Safeworking designation, location, and/or train or track vehicle number, as appropriate, of the person calling you.
Say: “(Sender) this is (Receiver), over”.
Identify yourself by Safeworking designation, location, and/or train or track vehicle number as appropriate.
- Make your statement, ending with “Over”.
- Reply, ending with “Over”.
Sender and Receiver
- Use standard terms as required in the communication.
Sender or Receiver
- At the end of the communication, say “Out”.
Emergency radio communications
Use whatever communication method is available.
If an emergency button is fitted:
Qualified Worker
- Press the emergency button.
- If there is no immediate answer, pause.
- Repeat Step 1 until you are answered. If you are not answered, follow the steps for ‘If an emergency button is not fitted’.
- When the Receiver answers, give your location and the emergency message.
- Exchange necessary information and directions.
If an emergency button is not fitted:
Qualified Worker
- Say: “Emergency, emergency, emergency, this is (your identification)”.
- If the radio is open‑channel, give brief details about the emergency.
- If the radio is open‑channel, users other than the Sender and Receiver must immediately cease transmission.
- If there is no immediate answer, pause.
- Repeat Step 1, and Step 2 if necessary, until you are answered.
- When a Receiver answers, give your location and the emergency message.
- Exchange necessary information and directions.
Written communication abbreviations
Qualified Worker
- Use the standard abbreviations listed below in written Safeworking communications:
Abbreviation | Meaning |
BF | blocking facility |
CP | clearance post |
CAN | Condition Affecting the Network |
ASB | Absolute Signal Blocking |
X/over | crossover |
ESR | Eastern Suburbs Railway |
Frame | groundframe |
hr | hours (time of day by 24hr clock) |
IBA | Infrastructure Booking Authority |
Illa | Illawarra |
Inst | instrument |
Jct | junction |
km | kilometre |
km/h | kilometres per hour |
kP | kilometre post |
L/Xing | level crossing |
LE | light locomotive |
LPA | Local Possession Authority |
Loco | locomotive |
metro | metropolitan |
min | minutes |
NIN | Network Incident Notice |
NSR | New Southern Railway |
Nth | North |
No. | number |
PSN | Pilot Staff Notice |
PSW | pilot staff working |
pts | points |
Sig | signal |
SPA | Special Proceed Authority |
Sth | South |
STN | Special Train Notice |
Subn | Suburban |
TOA | Track Occupancy Authority |
TOC | Train Operating Conditions manual |
TWA | Track Work Authority |
WOLO | hot weather speed restriction |
YLS | yard limit sign |