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This document describes the procedure for planning, implementing and managing a Local Possession Authority (LPA).
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A Local Possession Authority (LPA) is used to close a defined portion of track for a specified period.
Protecting the limits of the LPA
Possession Protection Officer
- Where practicable, safeguard the half-staffs at the limits of the LPA.
- Protect the LPA with three railway track signals and a possession limit marker placed at the specified limits of the LPA, or at 2500m from the outermost worksite if this is more practicable.
- If necessary, protect the worksites from rail traffic on other lines.
- If necessary, clip and lock points for intermediate access routes that allow entry to the LPA.
Protecting multiple worksites in the limits of the LPA
Possession Protection Officer
- Make sure the Coordinating Protection Officers and Protection Officers place the right protection.
- If changes are required to worksite protection, tell the Coordinating Protection Officers and Protection Officers to make the changes, and make sure the changes are carried out.
Protection Officers
- Make sure that three railway track signals are placed on each side of all worksites, as shown in the following examples.
- Make sure that worksite protection markers are placed in the middle of the four-foot, beside the railway track signals closest to each worksite.
- If worksites are more than 1000m apart, place the protection 500m from each worksite.
- If worksites are between 500m and 1000m apart, place the protection midway between the worksites.
- Make sure that worksite protection markers are placed in the middle of the four-foot, beside the middle railway track signal.
- Worksites less than 500m apart may be protected and managed as a single worksite.
Coordinating Protection Officers
- Worksites less than 500m apart may be protected and managed as a coordinated worksite.
- Make sure that each worksite inside a coordinated worksite has a Protection Officer.
- Make sure that approved worksite delineation markers are placed midway between worksites in the coordinated worksite.
- When advised by a Protection Officer that work has been completed:
- make sure that remaining worksites are correctly protected, and
- tell the Possession Protection Officer about the change to the coordinated worksite.
Managing rail traffic crossing the LPA
Possession Protection Officer
- Make sure that three railway track signals and a possession limit marker are placed:
- on the closed line, 500m before the crossover or turnout in each direction, and
- on the converging line that allows entry to the LPA area, at the signal protecting entry into the closed line.
- Make sure that the route through the LPA is clear of workers and their equipment, and is safe for the passage of rail traffic.
If rail traffic crossing is authorised
- Get the Possession Protection Officer’s authority for the movement.
Possession Protection Officer
- Arrange for the removal of protection at the entry point of the route.
- When rail traffic has cleared the entry point make sure protection is replaced.
Returning the track to service
Possession Protection Officer and Protection Officers
- Make sure that rail traffic and equipment has cleared the line.
- Make sure that all workgroups have cleared the worksites.
- Make sure that possession limit markers/worksite protection markers/worksite delineation markers, railway track signals and point clips have been removed.
Possession Protection Officer
- Make sure that any emergency crossovers that have been used are returned to, and secured in, the normal position.
- When told that the line is certified fit for service, tell the Network Controller.
- Tell affected Network Controllers and Signallers about any restrictions on track use.
- If work is to continue under another work on track authority, tell the Network Controller and Signallers, and make sure that the worksite is protected prior to fulfilling the LPA.
- Fulfil the LPA:
- for the entire portion of track defined for the LPA, or
- progressively for one or more advertised track possessions included in the LPA.
- Test all equipment affected by the LPA.
Keeping records
Network Controllers, Signallers and the Possession Protection Officer must keep details about the LPA and protection arrangements.