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Train Working

NTR 430 Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Waivers

This document describes the requirements for using Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Waivers.

Version 4.0, 29 April 2017


This document describes the requirements for using Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Waivers.

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To prescribe the rules for using Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Waivers in the Network.


TOC Waivers gives notice of changes or exceptions to the requirements specified in the Train Operating Conditions (TOC) manual.

Permanent changes must be confirmed by publication and issue of replacement pages for the TOC manual.

A TOC Waiver remains in force for 180 days unless:

  • a shorter period is specified in the TOC Waiver, or
  • a new TOC Waiver is issued to extend its currency, or
  • affected pages of the TOC manual are republished and issued.


TOC Waivers must be authorised only by the designated Asset Standards Authority Representative.

Issuing TOC Waivers

TOC Waivers must be issued only by the designated Asset Standards Authority Representative.

The issuer must keep the original TOC Waiver until its expiry date.

TOC Waivers must be issued to affected Operators and Qualified Workers.

Receiving TOC Waivers

Operators and Qualified Workers who receive a TOC Waiver must meet the requirements in the TOC Waiver.

Operators must keep the TOC Waiver until its expiry date.