This document describes the requirements for safe shunting of trains at intermediate sidings.
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To prescribe the rules for safe shunting of trains at intermediate sidings in the Network.
Arriving and departing
Train Crews must report arrival at and departure from intermediate sidings to the Signaller responsible for the location.
Restoring equipment
After completion of shunting, Train Crews must:
- set points and signals to their normal positions
- restore releases to their normal positions
- return keys to their normal locations.
Groundframe release
The groundframe must be released with a key obtained:
- at the siding by an electric release, or
- from a location at or before entry to the section.
At a siding that shows a warning sign as in Figure 1, one or more vehicles of the train must be left and secured on the track-circuited portion of the nominated running line throughout shunting.
At a siding that does not show a sign as in Figure 1:
- one or more vehicles of the train may be left and secured on the track-circuited portion of the main line throughout shunting, or
- the train may be shunted wholly within the siding, clear of the main line.
If a portion of the train is kept on the main line, the releasing switch must be kept in the RELEASE position throughout shunting.
The handbrakes of unattended detached vehicles must be secured.
Stabling trains or vehicles in sidings
If it is necessary to stable rail traffic in an intermediate siding, the Train Crew or Track Vehicle Crew must tell the Signaller.
Vehicles, including the locomotive if necessary, must be stabled:
- clear of the running line
- secured against unintended movement
- inside derail devices.
The Train Crew or Track Vehicle Crew must cancel or fulfil authorities as directed by the Signaller.
If a release must be obtained for rail traffic to return to the running line from an intermediate siding, the Driver or Track Vehicle Operator must:
- get the Signaller’s authority to return
- make sure that the route has been set correctly
- have the correct Proceed Authority.