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Systems of Safeworking

NSY 518 Suspending a system of Safeworking

This document describes the requirements for suspending a system of Safeworking.

Version 4.3, 4 December 2022


This document describes the requirements for suspending a system of Safeworking.

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To prescribe the rules for suspending a system of Safeworking in the Network.


A system of Safeworking may be suspended only if the methods of special working will not allow train services.

A system of Safeworking may be suspended only on the authority of the Sydney Trains:

  • Director Network Standards, Systems and Quality, or
  • Senior Manager Network Rules.

The suspension may be implemented or ended by an authorised officer.

Officers implementing the suspension must be assured that:

  • workers can carry out their duties safely, and
  • rail traffic travelling under the suspension of the system of Safeworking can do so safely.

During suspension of a system of Safeworking, the method of working introduced in its place must use as much as possible of:

  • the principles of the suspended system of Safeworking, and
  • the normal procedures of the suspended system of Safeworking.

Suspending the system of Safeworking

Before suspending the system of Safeworking, the implementing officer must:

  • determine that a method of special working will not allow train services, and
  • issue instructions about the method of working to be used, and
  • direct that movements be safe, and that conflicting movements be prevented.

The implementing officer must arrange for copies of the instructions to be given to:

  • Network Controllers for the affected areas, and
  • affected Signallers at attended locations, and
  • affected Train Crews and Track Vehicle Crews, and
  • other affected workers.

Ensuring safety

The implementing officer must make sure that the instructions:

  • specify the limits for the authorised movements, and
  • do not permit conflicting routes to be set, and
  • specify how signals at STOP are to be passed.

The implementing officer must be assured that:

  • effective communication will be established between affected Qualified Workers, and
  • previously issued Proceed Authorities in affected portions of track have been cancelled or fulfilled, and
  • unless authorised in the instructions, intermediate signal boxes and local control panels in affected areas will not be switched in or out, and
  • if necessary, rail traffic in the affected areas has been restrained, and
  • before it is authorised to do so, other rail traffic will not enter affected portions of track.

The implementing officer must make sure that the instructions require that:

  • level crossings, worksites and obstructions are protected, and
  • facing points for movements are secured, and
  • if available, fixed signals are cleared.

Ending the suspension

The Director Network Standards, Systems and Quality or the Senior Manager Network Rules, must arrange for an authorised officer to:

  • give Network Controllers for the affected areas instructions to end the suspension of a system of Safeworking, and
  • make sure that Network Controllers advise affected workers.