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Systems of Safeworking

NSY 514 Special Proceed Authority

This document describes the requirements for using a Special Proceed Authority (SPA).

Version 4.1, 30 September 2018


This document describes the requirements for using a Special Proceed Authority (SPA).

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To prescribe the rules for using a Special Proceed Authority (SPA) in the Network.

Method principle

A SPA may be used to authorise rail traffic movements when the Proceed Authority normally provided by the system of Safeworking in operation is not available.

During SPA working, safe separation between rail traffic movements must be maintained.

Unless entry is authorised, rail traffic must be restrained from entering the limits of SPA working.

A SPA must be compiled and issued on an NRF 005 Special Proceed Authority (SPA) form which specifies:

  • the limits of authority for the movements that it authorises
  • the line to be used, but not specify routes within yard limits of attended locations
  • any additional speed restrictions that must be applied.

A SPA may:

  • include more than one section within its limits
  • allow removal of a train in portions from a section.

Network Controllers and Signallers must:

  • not authorise conflicting occupancies or routes
  • make sure that planned movements are safe.


The Network Controller must make sure or be assured that:

  • the track within the limits of the SPA, excluding within the yard limits of attended locations, will be occupied only by authorised rail traffic
  • effective communication is established between affected Qualified Workers
  • previously issued Proceed Authorities for affected portions of track have been cancelled or fulfilled
  • obstructions are protected
  • in affected sections current work on track authorities are cancelled or fulfilled  or work on track methods are ended, or worksites are protected against movements under the SPA
  • unless authorised by the Network Controller, intermediate signal boxes and local control panels in affected sections are not to be switched in or out while the SPA is in force
  • Qualified Workers known to be affected have been told about the planned movements under the SPA
  • blocking facilities are applied
  • Drivers are, or will be, advised of any known temporary speed restriction requirements
  • the route to be taken by rail traffic is:
    • set and secured, or
    • will be set and secured by a Qualified Worker
  • Drivers are instructed to stop before all active control level crossings and treat them as potentially faulty in accordance with NGE 218 Type F level crossing management.

The Network Controller must get the Signaller’s assurance that unauthorised rail traffic is and will continue to be prevented from entering the SPA area.

Signallers must make sure that signals protecting the SPA area are set at STOP with blocking facilities applied.

If there are intermediate sidings in the SPA area, Signallers must make sure that the releasing switches are in the NORMAL position, and:

  • apply blocking facilities to the releasing switches, or
  • if blocking facilities cannot be applied, restrain rail traffic in the sidings by giving affected Drivers and Track Vehicle Operators an NRF 004 Condition Affecting the Network (CAN) form.

Proceed Authority

A Network Controller may authorise travel under a SPA.

If available, signals within the limits of the SPA must be cleared.

Drivers must pass signals at STOP only:


Rail traffic travelling in the wrong running-direction (on a unidirectional line) must travel at a speed safe for the prevailing conditions, and not exceeding 40km/h.

Issuing a Special Proceed Authority

A Network Controller must compile and arrange to issue a SPA to:

  • Signallers, at attended locations involved in the authorised movements
  • Drivers carrying out the authorised movements.

Before issuing a SPA, the Network Controller must arrange for workers known to be on the affected portion of track to be told about the authorised movements.

Signallers and Network Controllers must record, in permanent form:

  • the issue of a SPA
  • details of affected workers told about the authorised movements.

Travel through and beyond an attended location

If a SPA authorises a movement through and beyond an attended location the Driver must:

  • not pass the arrival-end yard limit until authorised by the Signaller
  • follow the Signaller’s instructions.

Cancelling or fulfilling a Special Proceed Authority

Cancelling a SPA

A SPA may be cancelled only if:

  • the Network Controller is assured that the authorised movement has not started or has not been completed
  • affected Qualified Workers have been told that the SPA will be cancelled.

Fulfilling a SPA

A SPA must be fulfilled only when:

  • the Network Controller is assured that the authorised movement has been completed

affected Qualified Workers have been told that the SPA will be fulfilled.

Resuming normal operation

Before normal operation is resumed, the Network Controller must make sure that:

  • the SPA is cancelled or fulfilled
  • unless required for a subsequent movement:
    • instructions still in effect for restraint of rail traffic are, or will be, cancelled
    • blocking facilities will be removed
    • point clips and locks have been, or will be, removed as directed.