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Signals and Signs

NSG 616 Precautions during signalling equipment testing

This document describes the requirements for precautions during signal testing.

Version 4.1, 4 December 2022


This document describes the requirements for precautions during signal testing.

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To prescribe the precautions required during testing of signalling equipment in the Network.


Changing signal indications

Testing of signalling equipment must not be conducted if:

  • rail traffic is closely approaching a signal, and
  • the testing could change the signal indication.

If rail traffic is standing at a signal at STOP, the Signaller must:

  • before testing the signal, tell the Driver or Track Vehicle Operator that their train or track vehicle must not move unless instructed to do so, and
  • after testing the signal, tell the Driver or Track Vehicle Operator that the testing has been completed and, if required, give an authority to proceed.

Inspection, maintenance and testing of points protecting a work on track authority

Points that are clipped and locked to protect a work on track authority may be unclipped for inspection, maintenance or testing only if:

  • agreed to by the:
    • Possession Protection Officer for a Local Possession Authority (LPA), or
    • Protection Officer for a Track Occupancy Authority or Track Work Authority.
  • Absolute Signal Blocking or a work on track authority is in place to prevent rail traffic from approaching the points while they are unclipped.

The Possession Protection Officer or Protection Officer must make sure that rail traffic within the work on track authority is prevented from approaching the points while they are unclipped.

Recording test results

Signallers and Qualified Workers must record signalling equipment test results in permanent form.