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This page shows the current version of the Work on Track (NWT) documents. The table below can be used to verify if printed or downloaded copies are current.

Document Effective Date Version
NWT 300 Planning work in the Rail Corridor 29 May 2021 8.3
NWT 302 Local Possession Authority 16 Jun 2024 9.1
NWT 304 Track Occupancy Authority 04 Dec 2022 10.1
NWT 306 Track Work Authority 04 Dec 2022 7.3
NWT 308 Absolute Signal Blocking 22 Oct 2021 8.4
NWT 310 Lookout Working 31 Oct 2021 7.2
NWT 312 Infrastructure Booking Authority 29 Sep 2019 5.1
NWT 314 Work trains 16 Jun 2024 5.2
NWT 316 Track vehicles 04 Dec 2022 7.2
NWT 318 Work that affects traction return currents or track-circuits 29 Apr 2017 4.0
NWT 320 Signal Key Switch Blocking 29 Sep 2019 1.0
NWT 322 Work that affects Automatic Train Protection trackside equipment 24 Mar 2019 1.0