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NPR 705 Removing 1500V supply

Version 7.1, 30 September 2018


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Removing 1500V supply requires coordination between Network Controllers and Electrical System Operators.

Removing 1500V supply

Coordinating Network Controller
  1. Make sure that the details on the copies of the Authority for Removal of Supply from 1500 Volt Sections form issued to Network Controllers are the same.

If removal of 1500V supply affects more than one Network Controller, they must confer and nominate a Coordinating Network Controller. The Coordinating Network Controller gives clearance to remove supply.

Electrical System Operator, Network Controllers and Signallers
  1. Before removal of 1500V supply is due, make sure that each party has the current colour version of the 1500V Sectioning Diagram.
  2. Confer, and make sure that the details of the Authority for Removal of Supply from 1500 Volt Sections form, and the advertised details, correspond with the 1500V Sectioning Diagram.
  3. Make sure that, in the 1500V overhead wiring sections to be isolated:
    1. there are no vehicles requiring electric traction that may need to be moved during the period of isolation of 1500V supply
    2. the pantographs of stabled electric vehicles in the overhead wiring sections have been lowered and isolated.
Network Controllers
  1. Get assurance from Signallers that blocking facilities have been applied to controlled absolute signals and unsignalled routes allowing entry to the sections to be isolated.

If removal of 1500V supply will extend into an Electric Vehicle Maintenance Centre, the Network Controller must ensure that the requirements of NPR 706 Removing 1500V supply in Electric Vehicle Maintenance Centres have been met.

Coordinating Network Controller
  1. Give clearance for removal of the 1500V supply if requirements have been met.
  2. Tell affected Network Controllers and Signallers that the clearance to remove the 1500V supply has been given.
Affected Network Controllers and Signallers
  1. Record, in permanent form, details about the clearance for removal of the 1500V supply.
Electrical System Operator
  1. Make sure that the prescribed approvals have been given.
  2. Remove the 1500V supply.

Removal of supply may happen sometime after clearance for removal of the 1500V supply has been given.

Authorising travel between live and isolated sections

Network Controllers
  1. If it is known, tell relevant Signallers about the type of motive power of trains that approach isolated 1500V overhead wiring sections during travel.
  2. If the motive power is not known, arrange for the motive power to be determined.
  3. If you are told that the motive power is electric, determine the method of working to be used.

Restoring 1500V supply

Electrical System Operator
  1. Tell the Coordinating Network Controller when the work has been completed and the 1500V supply has been restored.
Coordinating Network Controller
  1. Tell affected Network Controllers and Signallers that the 1500V supply has been restored.
Affected Network Controllers and Signallers
  1. Record, in permanent form, the time when the 1500V supply was restored.

Additional procedures where Train Register Books are not used

Sydney Yard

Network Controller
  1. Give the Sydney Yard Signaller the advertised details about the proposed removal of 1500V supply.
  2. Have the Sydney Yard Signaller:
    1. compile an Advice 1500 Volt Supply removed/restored form
    2. send it to the Sydney Yard Controller.
Sydney Yard Controller and Assistant Yard Controllers
  1. Sign the prepared Advice 1500 Volt Supply removed/restored form to show that you know that the 1500V supply will be removed.
Network Controller
  1. Make sure that the relevant parties have signed the Advice 1500 Volt Supply removed/restored form.
Sydney Yard Controller and Assistant Yard Controllers
  1. When told that the 1500V supply has been restored, sign the prepared Advice 1500 Volt Supply removed/restored form to show that you know that the 1500V supply has been restored.

Other locations

Network Controller
  1. Give affected Signallers the advertised details about the proposed removal of 1500V supply.
  2. Have the Signallers compile an Advice 1500 Volt Supply removed/restored form.
  1. Sign the prepared Advice 1500 Volt Supply removed/restored form to show that you know that the 1500V supply will be removed.
Network Controller
  1. Make sure that the relevant Signallers have signed the Advice 1500 Volt Supply removed/restored form.
  1. When told that the 1500V supply has been restored, sign the prepared Advice 1500 Volt Supply removed/restored form to show and record that you know that the 1500V supply has been restored.