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This page answers questions received from end-users relating to the features and tools in the Digital Protection Officer Workbook. Discover shortcuts, get time-saving tips and learn best practice.

iPad keyboard

How do I print from my iPad?

Visit Apple Support to learn how to use AirPrint (wireless printing), and follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure both your iPad and the work printer are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  2. Open the form you wish to print on your iPad.
  3. Tap the ‘Share’ or ‘Print’ icon (usually looks like a box with an arrow or a printer).
  4. Your iPad will find nearby printers. Tap on your work printer's name.
  5. Adjust the print settings to customise number of copies, page range as required.
  6. Tap ‘Print to send the document to your work printer.

How do I change the size of the keyboard on my iPad?

The iPad operating system allows users to change the size of the keyboard between a smaller floating keyboard, so it's easier to type with one hand, or full size. Visit Apple Support for full details.

Why can’t I select buttons and icons with the Apple Pencil when marking up diagrams?

You need to use your finger to select buttons/icons rather than the Apple pencil. Once activated, you can then use the pencil to draw lines, rotate elements and move objects around the page.

When using the Apple Pencil why does the text go into the wrong field when filling out forms?

The Apple Pencil always looks for the nearest form field to put text in. If you get too close to an adjacent field, the text will automatically populate that field instead.

Pro tip: Write your text below the field it needs to go in and the iPad will detect the correct field to place the text.

Switch between forms and diagrams in your browser

Tabs in your web browser act like bookmarks, helping you open and switch between multiple pages quickly and easily:

Step 1: Login to the RailSafe Digital Protection Officer Portal

Step 2: Open a workbook or create a new one.

Step 3: Open an NRF 015 Worksite Protection Plan form and scroll down to the Diagram link and right click on it.

Step 4: Select "Open Link in New Tab."

Step 5: To switch between tabs, click on the tab that you want to open. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + Tab (Windows) or Command + Tab (Mac) to cycle through the tabs.

Step 6: You can organise tabs by dragging them close as needed.

Do you have a question?

This page is regularly updated with questions from our end users. Contact us via the feedback form.