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Introducing RailSafe tutorial videos. Explore step-by-step tutorials for a better experience using key functions like search and the new progressive web application features.

How to install the RailSafe progressive web app (PWA) to your device

This video will teach you how to install the RailSafe progressive web app (PWA) across multiple devices. PWAs are websites that can be installed and launched like native apps. They offer a number of advantages over traditional websites and apps, including the ability to work offline.

Using search more effectively

We have created the following three videos to walk you through the different search capabilities of the RailSafe site.

RailSafe main search

Learn more about the main search option which is the most comprehensive way to search RailSafe allowing you to easily find documents, pages and other content.

RailSafe search from the homepage

Find out how to use the homepage search that features dynamic popup menus, including popular recommendations and relevant website sections based on your search queries.

In-page search

This video shows you how to use the in-page search to find resources categorised to appear in the topic of the page you’re on and shows you how to use buttons and filters to narrow down your search.